Peddle Pub

Is it exercise or a place to socialize?!?  Maybe a little bit of both!  Working those quads while smiling, chatting and laughing hysterically with friends!  I'd say its a great way to lift your spirits and feel the burn!  I highly recommend it!  

I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon Saturday with 11 lovely ladies.  When I started planning this months "girls day" I tried to think outside the box.  What haven't we done, what would allow us all to enjoy the amazing Arizona weather, while still being able to catch up without the overpowering noise of live music, or too small of a place.  A friend had suggested the peddle pub for my birthday this year, but it just wasn't the right timing even though it did sound fun!  So I decided to ask her thoughts on a bigger group for girls day, then started reaching out to friends to see who would be interested ... it did not take long for 13 lovely ladies to respond and we were booked.

What happens on the bike, stays with the bike.  Just kidding!  I had no idea what to expect from peddle pub when I decided to book the group ... but upon arriving and signing waivers, we were met with two handsome gentleman to drive, supervise the crew and play photographer for the afternoon.  They were ready for us with fun, upbeat music which I assure you we sang too ... at times quite loudly!  The tour was 2 hours, and each place we had a time limit to enjoy a beverage, air conditioning and friendship!  Hands down the ladies agreed 2 hours went by too fast, and couldn't believe it was time to head to dinner.  I am happy to announce peddle pub was a perfect success!   

I absolutely love my friends and pictures are such fun memories.  I have something wonderful I could say about each lady who joined.  For those who couldn't make it, I was secretly sad because they missed an amazing day.  Friendship makes the world go round.  While I was a common denominator for many of the ladies who joined, some of them brought someone new and I loved that part too.  Meeting new people is a joy!  Yet it seems to get harder as we get older, to branch out and find things in common with new people!  Hence what truly inspired me months ago to plan girls day number 1.  The first outing started with 6 people, and since then has easily doubled in size.  Sometimes it feels like a lot of work to plan what to do, where to go and make reservations, but then we all get together and have the most amazing time that I can't wait to plan that next adventure.    

Do you have a group of ladies you enjoy?  Or does life seem to busy and stressful?  I assure you my friends are from all walks of life.  Moms, professionals, single, married, in college (you get the point) but we all need time to replenish our tanks so we make time!  I encourage you to start a girls day for your group of friends wherever that may be.  It is truly a highlight in my life!